Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Moving for Tranquility

When my husband and I moved from our first home in historic Avondale to a "manufactured mansion in a subdivision" we thought it would be our forever home. It was, after all, inviting and there was plenty of room to grow. And grow we did. The past 3 years have been overwhelming, but it's all starting to come together.

I recently attended a meeting where a woman was sharing about her family's finances. They were owed a large amount of money for a business transaction. However, the payments stopped coming and the family was forced to make a decision - whether to proceed with legal action or to forgive the debt. Immediately, this resonated with me. Being a Libra, I'm all about fairness :) Surely if this money is owed to you, you should proceed with legal action!! But no, this woman continued to share that they had decided to forgive the debt instead and opt for serenity, and praying for the man who didn't (or wasn't able) to make the payments. She called it "filling up her spiritual bank rather her material bank."

She did what????? Don't you have bills to pay? Kids to feed and educate? How could you let somebody get awawy with that?

And then I thought more. Wow. I really like that. That's pretty amazing. I want that kind of spiritual peace where I know that God will take care of me if I do the right thing. That I don't have to be the judge of that business transaction. He will take care of it.

Where can I apply this in my life? Well, for starters I'm currently unemployed. I've NEVER been unemployed before. After I got over the "shame and humiliation" of being unemployed, I started enjoying it. Quite frankly, I LOVE it. I am soaking it in. I am reveling in every minute that I don't have to be on the phone, or conference call, or webinar, or prospecting, or marketing, or brainstorming events, or expense reporting - ha! Take that, Corporate America!

But pulling up your big girl panties means that you have to make some sacrifices. Its time to take a look at what you REALLY need. Cut the fat. So we are selling our house and moving to something that is more suited for our NEEDS (not wants).

There are times when I have had a full material bank but been spiritually bankrupt. I don't like that place. Now is the time for financial peace. I think this is what God wants for our family too. Chipping away at our pride and greed. Progress, not perfection.

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