Thursday, May 2, 2013

Upon awakening.....

One of the things I really appreciate about AA and "The Big Book" is that there are straight-forward suggestions on how to start and end your day. I'm the type of person who NEEDS structure and rules, but I do sometimes get resentful that a BOOK is telling me what to do :) But hey - the solutions outlined in AA have helped millions of people live sober lives over the past century. So what do I know?

IN THE MORNINGS: "Upon awakening, let us think about the next 24 hours. What are our plans for the day? God, please direct our thinking - especially divorced from self-pity, dishonest, or self-seeking motives." - Big Book of AA

My friend, Dave Tolbert, who is the brains behind New Life Counseling has a GREAT way for remembering how to keep us alcoholics away from that first drink. It is called...

The 5 P's:
  1. Pray: even the smallest prayer (like "HELP me")
  2. Pause: don't react immediately
  3. Plan: keep a calendar or a to-do list so you can keep on track
  4. Phone: pick up the phone and call someone - preferably someone else in recovery - before taking that first drink
  5. Play: don't forget to have fun! We alcoholics like to be the center of attention - the life of the party! Just because we're free of mind-altering substances doesn't mean that we want to mope around all day in a pity party

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea, Kadie - looking forward to more posts from you. I have to credit the 5 P's to my friend Ron Cipriano who passed them on to me. My only contribution, which really came from patients, was to change Ron's "Party Responsibly" to Play.

